Multimodal Biometric Dataset Collection, Clarkson University

Please contact for Clarkson data.

The biometric dataset collection contains image and video files for the following modalities:

  • Iris
  • Face
  • Voice
  • Fingerprint
  • Palmprint

Subjects are of different age, ethnicity and gender with variable number of sessions/subject.

Biometric modality Device Nr. of subjects Nr. of files
Iris Irispass 247 7629
Fingerprint CrossMatch 281 39188
SecuGen 291 24747
Precise Biometrics 283 13300
Identix 180 46350
Palmprint HP ScanJet 290 3048
Voice Sony DCR-VX2100 286 3529
Face Canon PowerShot G6 278 3039

POLICY: Due to privacy issues related to identifying individuals, face data is not made available in combination with other subset of modalities, only as a single subset.

When using biometric collection, please cite: S. Crihalmeanu, A. Ross, S. Schuckers, L. Hornak, A Protocol for Multibiometric Data Acquisition, Storage and Dissemination, Technical Report, WVU, Lane Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, 2007