Telecom Sud Paris / Clarkson University: Q-FIRE Iris Subset

This is a subset of Q-FIRE dataset.  This subset was created by Telecome Sud Paris to study quality-based fusion in iris recognition.  To request the following dataset, please contact and indicate the specific dataset.  Please see links below for additional details of the dataset.

The 3 selected subsets correspond to the scenario “illumination” at the medium quality level, and at different distances: 5, 7 and 11 feet of QFIRE database. This variability in the distance was introduced to produce high, medium and low resolution iris images. The quality factor “resolution” is defined as the number of pixels across the horizontal diameter of the iris. In addition, during the acquisition procedure of QFIRE, an intentional defocus blur was added to each sequence by manually turning the focus ring of the iris camera in order to generate some non-uniformity in each video sequence. Note that the subjects are static.

More details can be found at the following Telecom Sud Paris link.


Additional references include:

Othman, Nadia, and Bernadette Dorizzi. “Impact of Quality-Based Fusion Techniques for Video-Based Iris Recognition at a Distance.” Information Forensics and Security, IEEE Transactions on 10, no. 8 (2015): 1590-1602.

 P. A. Johnson, P. Lopez-Meyer, N. Sazonova, F. Hua, S. Schuckers, Quality in Face and Iris Research Ensemble (Q-FIRE), Proceedings of Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems, 2010.

Stephanie Schuckers, Paulo Meyer Lopez, Peter Johnson, Nadezhda Sazonova, Fang Hua, Rick Lazarick, Chris Miles, Elham Talbassi, Edward Sazonov, Arun Ross, Lawrence Hornak, Quality–Face / Iris Research Ensemble (Q-FIRE) Dataset Overview, Technical Report, Clarkson University, Dept of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2010.When using biometric collection, please cite:

Stephanie Schuckers, Paulo Meyer Lopez, Peter Johnson, Nadezhda Sazonova, Fang Hua, Rick Lazarick, Chris Miles, Elham Talbassi, Edward Sazonov, Arun Ross, Lawrence Hornak, Quality–Face / Iris Research Ensemble (Q-FIRE) Data Collection Steps, Technical Report, Clarkson University, Dept of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2010.