A. K. Jain and J. Feng, “Latent Palmprint Matching“, IEEE Trans. PAMI vol. 31, no. 6, pp. 1032-1047, June, 2009.
U. Park, Y. Tong, and A. K. Jain, “Age Invariant Face Recognition“, IEEE Trans. PAMI, June, 2009.
S. Shah and A. Ross, “Iris Segmentation Using Geodesic Active Contours,” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS), 2009.
Aditya Abhyankar and Stephanie Schuckers, “Iris Quality Assessment and Bi-orthogonal Wavelet Based Encoding for Recognition,” Pattern Recognition, Available online 10 January 2009.
Aditya Abhyankar and Stephanie Schuckers, “Integrating a wavelet based perspiration liveness check with fingerprint recognition“, Pattern Recognition, vol. 42, pp. 452-464, March 2009.
M. Vatsa, R. Singh, A. Noore, and S. K. Singh, “Combining Pores and Ridge Features for Improved Fingerprint Verification”, Signal Processing, 2009.
R. Singh, M. Vatsa, and A. Noore, “Unification of Evidence Theoretic Fusion Algorithms: A Case Study in Level-2 and Level-3 Fingerprint Features“, IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics – A, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 47-56, 2009.
Abhyankar, A; Schuckers, S, “A novel biorthogonal wavelet network system for off-angle iris recognition“, PATTERN RECOGNITION, p. 987, vol. 43, (2010). 10.1016/j.patcog.2009.08.00
H. Chang, A. Koschan, B. Abidi, and M. Abidi, “Fusing Continuous Spectral Images for Face Recognition Under Indoor and Outdoor Illuminants,” Machine Vision and Applications, 2009, DOI 10.1007/ s00138-008- 0151-1.
Schuckers, M. E., “A parametric correlation framework for the statistical evaluation and estimation of biometric-based classification performance in a single environment,” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 4 (2009), 231-241.
N. Kalka, N. Bartlow, and B. Cukic, “Decision Dependability and its Application to Identity Management“, Cyber Security and Information Intelligence Research Workshop, Oak Ridge, TN, 2009.
A. K. Jain and U. Park, “Facial Marks: Soft Biometric For Face Recognition“, International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Nov., 2009.
A. K. Jain, J. E. Lee, R. Jin, and N. Gregg, “Content Based Image Retrieval: An Application to Tattoo Images“, Proc. International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Nov., 2009.
J. Feng, S. Yoon, and A. K. Jain, “Latent Fingerprint Matching: Fusion of Rolled and Plain Fingerprints“, Proc. International Conference on Biometrics (ICB), June, 2009.
J. Feng and A. K. Jain, “FM Model Based Fingerprint Reconstruction from Minutiae Template“, Proc. International Conference on Biometrics (ICB), June, 2009.
J. Zuo and N. A. Schmid, “Global and Local Quality Measures for NIR Iris Video“, In Proc. of CVPR 2009 Workshop on Biometrics, Miami Beach, FL, June 25, 2009, page(s): 120-125.
R. Jillela and A. Ross, “Adaptive Frame Selection for Improved Face Recognition in Low-Resolution Videos“, Proc. of International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), (Atlanta, USA), June 2009.
K. Nandakumar, A. K. Jain, and A. Ross, “Fusion in Multibiometric Identification Systems: What about the Missing Data” Proc. of the 3rd IAPR/IEEE International Conference on Biometrics (ICB), (Alghero, Italy), June 2009.
S. Crihalmeanu, A. Ross, and R. Derakhshani, “Enhancement and Registration Schemes for Matching Conjunctival Vasculature“, Proc. of the 3rd IAPR/IEEE International Conference on Biometrics (ICB), (Alghero, Italy), June 2009.
M. Vatsa, R. Singh, A. Noore, and S.K. Singh, “Belief Function Theory based Biometric Match Score Fusion: Case Studies in Multi-Instance and Multi-Unit Iris Verification“, Proc. International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition, pp. 433-436, 2009.
D. Maltoni, D. Maio, A. K. Jain, and S. Prabhakar, Handbook of Fingerprint Recognition, Second Edition, Springer, 2009.
N. Bartlow, N. Kalka, B. Cukic, and A. Ross, “Identifying Sensors from Fingerprint Images,” Proceedings IEEE CS Workshop on Biometrics, CVPR 2009, Miami, FL, June 2009.
Andy Adler and Stephanie Schuckers, Security and Liveness: Overview, in Encyclopedia of Biometrics, Editors: Anil K. Jain, and Stan Z. Li, Springer,pp. 1146-1152, ISBN-10: 0387730028, 2009.
Andy Adler and Stephanie Schuckers, Biometric Vulnerabilities: Overview, in Encyclopedia of Biometrics, Editors: Anil K. Jain, and Stan Z. Li, Springer, pp. 160-168, ISBN-10: 0387730028, 2009.
Stephanie Schuckers, Liveness: Fingerprint, in Encyclopedia of Biometrics, Editors: Anil K. Jain, and Stan Z. Li, Springer, ISBN-10: 0387730028, 2009.
M. Vatsa, R. Singh, and A. Noore, Belief Model Fusion in Multimodal Biometrics, in Advances and Applications of DSmT for Information Fusion – Vol. III, F. Smarandache, and J. Dezert (Editors), American Research Press, pp. 455-470 2009 (in press).
Abbasi, A., Chen, H., and Nunamaker, J. F., Jr., “Stylometric Identification in Electronic Markets: Scalability and Robustness“, Journal of MIS, (2009).
Burgoon, J. K., and Buller, D. B., Interpersonal Deception Theory: Purposive and interdependent behavior during deception, (2009). Editor(s): L. A. Baxter, and D. O. Braithwaite, Engaging theories in interpersonal communication, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA.
Burgoon, J. K., Chen, F., and Twitchell, D., “Deception and its detection under synchronous and asynchronous computer-mediated communication“, Group Decision and Negotiation, (2009).
Burgoon, J. K., Jensen, M. L., Meservy, T., and Nunamaker, J. F., “A Framework for Deception Detection Based on Linguistics, Vocalics and Kinesics”, Group Decision and Negotiation, (2009).
Burgoon, J. K., and Levine, T. R., Advances in deception detection, (2009). Editor(s): In S. Smith, and S. Wilson, New directions in interpersonal communication, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Burgoon, J. K., and Nunamaker, J. F., Jr., Computer-aided support of the detection of deception (2009). Group Decision and Negotiation, 14 (special issue).
Burgoon, J. K., Twitchell, D. P., Jensen, M. L., Adkins, M., Kruse, J., Deokar, A., Lu, S., Metaxas, D., Nunamaker, J. F., Jr., and Younger, R. E., “Detecting concealment of intent in transportation screening: a proof- of-concept“, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, (2009).
Burgoon, J. K., Twitchell, D. P., Jensen, M. L., Adkins, M., Kruse, J. , Deokar, A., Lu, S., Metaxas, D. N., and Nunamaker, J. F. “Automatic, Multimodal Evaluation of Human Interaction“, Group Decision and Negotiation, (2009).
George, J. F., Biros, D. P., Burgoon, J. K., Crews, J.M, Cao, J., Marett, K., Akins, M., and Kruse, J., “Defeating deception through e-training”, Management Information Systems, (2009).
George, J. F., Biros, D. P., Burgoon, J. K., Nunamaker, J. F. Jr., Lin, M., Adkins, M., Kruse, J., and Cao, J., “An experimental investigation of E-Training”, Management Information Systems Quarterly (MISQ) Executive, (2009).
Jensen, M. L., Burgoon, J. K. and Nunamaker, J. F., Jr. “Judging the Quality of Information Gathered from Face-to-face Interactions”, ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality, (2009).
Jensen, M. L., Burgoon, J. and Nunamaker, J., “The Effect of an Expert System on Novice and Professional Decision Making”, Journal of MIS, (2009).
Jensen, M. L., Burgoon, J. K., and Nunamaker, J. F., Jr., “Using a Decision-aid to Judge Information Veracity of Face-to-face Interactions”, ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality, (2009).
Twitchell, D. P., Jensen, M. L. , Derrick, D., Burgoon, J. K., and Nunamaker, J. F., Jr. “Negotiation outcome classification using language features“, Group Decision and Negotiation, (2009).
Lovelace, C., Derakhshani, R., Tankasala, S. P., and Filion, D., “Classification of Startle Eyeblink Metrics using Neural Networks“, (2009). Proceedings of the 2009 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Atlanta, GA.