P. Johnson, S. Schuckers (2014). Fingerprint Pore Characteristics for Liveness. BioSIG 2014. Darmstadt, Germany.
T. Yang, J. Stahl, S. Schuckers, F. Hua, C. B. Boehnen, M. Karakaya (2014). Gaze Angle Estimate and Correction in Iris Recognition. IEEE SSCI 2014. Orlando, FL.
D. Yambay, J. Doyle, K. Bowyer, A. Czajka, S. Schuckers (2014). LivDetIris 2013 – Iris Liveness Detection Competition 2013. IJCB 2014. Tampa, FL.
T. Yang, J. Stahl, S. Schuckers, F. Hua (2014). Subregion Mosaicking Applied to Nonideal Iris Recognition. IEEE SSCI 2014. Orlando, FL.
G Torres, C Liu, J Chang, F Hua, and S Schuckers (2014). An Autotuning Assisted Power-Aware Study of Iris Matching Algorithm on Intel’s SCC. The Journal of Signal Processing Systems. (May), 1.
C. Gottschlich, E. Marasco, A. Yang, B. Cukic (2014). Fingerprint Liveness Detection based on Histograms of Invariant Gradients. IEEE/IAPR International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB. Clearwater, Florida (USA).
C. Chen, A. Dantcheva, A. Ross (2014). Impact of Facial Cosmetics on Automatic Gender and Age Estimation Algorithms. 9th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP). Lisbon, Portugal.
R. Jillela and A. Ross (2014). Matching Face Against Iris Images Using Periocular Information. Proc. of 21st IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). Paris, France.
Miller, C., Lane, B., Dunbar, N., Jensen, M., Burgoon, J., & Bessarabova, E. (). A New Scale for Confirmation Bias. International Communication Association.
L. Lugini, E. Marasco, B. Cukic, J. Dawson (2014). Removing Gender Signature from Fingerprints. Workshop on De-Identification and Privacy Protection (BiForD), MIPRO 2014. Opatija, Croatia.
Twyman, Burgoon, Elkins, Proudfoot (2014). Alternative Cues in Concealed Information Testing. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
G-D. Guo, L. Wen and S. Yan (2014). Face authentication with makeup changes. IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. 24 (5).
Kai Cao, Eryun Liu and Anil K. Jain (2014). Segmentation and Enhancement of Latent Fingerprints: A Coarse to Fine Ridge Structure Dictionary. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.
S. S. Arora, E. Liu, K. Cao and A. K. Jain (2014). Latent Fingerprint Matching: Performance Gain via Feedback from Exemplar Prints. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 36 (12).
S. Talarico, N.A. Schmid, M. Alkhweldi, and M.C. Valenti (2014). Distributed estimation of a parametric field: Algorithms and performance analysis. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing.
A. S. Bommagani, M.C. Valenti, A. Ross (2014). A Framework for Secure Cloud-empowered Mobile Biometrics. IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM). Baltimore, MD.
L. Wen, G-D. Guo, and X. Li (2014). A study on the influence of body weight changes on face recognition. Int’l Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB’14). Clearwater, Florida, USA.
Judee K. Burgoon & David B. Buller (2014). Interpersonal deception theory; Purposive and interdependent behavior during deceptive interpersonal interactions. Engaging theories in interpersonal communication 2nd. D. O. Braithwaite & P. Schrodt. Sage. Los angeles, CA.
E. Marasco, L. Lugini, B. Cukic (2014). Automatic Enhancement of Interoperability between Fingerprint Optical Sensors. NIST International Biometric Performance Testing (IBPC). Gaithersburg USA.
S. Mason, I. Gashi, E. Marasco, L. Lugini, B. Cukic (2014). Deployment Strategies for Diverse Fingerprint Biometric Systems. IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN). Atlanta, Georgia (USA).
A.B. Holbert, H.P. Whitelam, L.J. Sooter, J.M. Dawson, and L.A. Hornak (2014). Evaluation of Hand Bacteria as a Human Biometric Identifier. IEEE 14th International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering. Boca Raton, FL.
E. Marasco, L. Lugini, B. Cukic (2014). Exploiting Quality and Texture Features to Estimate Age and Gender from Fingerprints. Biometric and Surveillance Technology for Human and Activity Identification, SPIE Defense and Security. Baltimore (USA).
Dunbar, N. E. and Jensen, M. L. and Miller, C. H. and Bessarabova, E. and Straub, S. K. and Wilson, S. N.,… (2014). & Scheutzler R. (2014). Mitigating cognitive bias through the use of serious games: Effects of feedback. In A. Spagnolli and L. Chittaro and L. Gamberini. Persuasive Technology. Mitigating cognitive bias through the use of serio.
Judee K. Burgoon & David B. Buller (2014). Interpersonal deception theory; Purposive and interdependent behavior during deceptive interpersonal interactions. Engaging theories in interpersonal communication 2nd. D. O. Braithwaite & P. Schrodt. Sage. Los angeles, CA.
Judee K. Burgoon, Joey F. George, Kent Marett, & Mark Adkins (2014). Maintaining credibility in group collaboration: Detection of deception.. Collaboration Systems: Concept, Value, Use J. F. Nunamaker, Jr., N.C. Romano and R. O. Briggs (Volume Eds.), V. Zwass (Series Ed.). M. E. Sharpe, Inc.. Armonk, NY.
Judee K. Burgoon, Norah E. Dunbar & Cindy H. White (2014). Interpersonal adaptation.. Handbooks of communication science: Vol. 6. Interpersonal communication 1. 6. P. J. Schultz and P. Cobley (Series Eds.) & C. R. Berger (Vol. Ed.). de Gruyter Mouton. Berlin/Boston.
Burgoon, Mayew, Giboney, Elkins, Mofitt, Spitzley, Williams, Byrd, Dorn (2014). Applying Linguistic and Vocalic Analysis to Conference Calls to Detect Fraud-Related Statements. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
Pentland, Twyman, Burgoon (2014). Automated Analysis of Guilt and Deception from Facial Affect in a Concealed Information Test. Society for Personality and Social Psychology.
Elkins, Burgoon (2015). Deceptive Eyes Automated Blink Detection for Credibility Assessment. Society for Personality and Social Psychology.
J. Giboney, Birk, J. Burgoon, J. Nunamaker (2014). Development and Application of an Online Tool for Systematic Reviews and MetaAnalyses. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
Elkins, Sorros, Zafeirios, Burgoon, Pantic, Nunamaker (2014). Do Liars Blink Differently? Automated Blink Detection during Deceptive Interviews. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
J. Proudfoot, N. Twyman, J. Burgoon (2014). Eye Tracking and the CIT: Utilizing Oculometric Cues to Identify Familiarity with Wanted Persons. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
Burgoon (2014). Foundational Experiments and Leveraged Research. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
Dunbar et al. (2014). Mitigating Cognitive Bias Through the Use of Serious Games: Effects of Feedback. PERSUASIVE 2014.
Byrd, Grimes, Marquardson, Burgoon (2014). The Misclassification of Deceptive Behavior: An Analysis of Data from Multiple Experiments. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
Burgoon, J. K. and Proudfoot, J. G. and Wilson, D. and Schuetzler, R. (2014). Patterns of nonverbal behavior associated with truth and deception: {Illustrations} from three experiments. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 38 325354.
Burgoon, J. K. and Schuetzler, R. and Wilson, D. (2014). Kinesic patterns in deceptive and truthful interactions. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 39 124.
Dunbar, N. E. and Jensen, M. L. and Bessabarova, E. and Burgoon, J. K. and Bernard, D. R. and Robertson, K. J. and Kelley, K. M. and Adame, B. and Eckstein, J. M. (2014). Empowered by persuasive deception: {The} effects of power and deception on interactional dominance, credibility, and decisionmaking. Communication Research. 41 852876.
Dunbar, N. E. and Jensen, M. L. and Tower, D. C. and Burgoon, J. K. (2014). Synchronization of nonverbal behaviors in detecting mediated and nonmediated deception. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 38 355376.
Burgoon, J. K. and Dunbar, N. E. and White, C. H. (2014). Interpersonal adaptation. Handbooks of communication science: 6. P. J. Schultz and P. Cobley (Series. De Gruyter Mouton. Berlin. 225248.
Burgoon, Judee K (2014). Interpersonal deception theory. Encyclopedia of Lying and Deception. 1st. Levine, T. R.. Sage. Thousand Oaks.
Joseph B. Walther, B. Van Der Heide, Artemio Ramirez, Jr., Judee K. Burgoon, & J. Pena (2014). Interpersonal and hyperpersonal aspects of computermediated communication.. The handbook of psychology and communication technology. 1st. S. S. Sundar. WileyBlackwell. West Sussex, England.
Dunbar, N. E. and others (2014). Implicit and explicit training in the mitigation of cognitive bias through the use of a serious game. Computers in Human Behavior. 37 307318.
Pickard, M. D. and Derrick, D. C. and Burgoon, J. K. (2014). Towards an objective linguistic-based measure of perceived embodied conversational agent ({ECA}) power and likeability. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. 30 (6), 495516.
Twyman, N. W. and Elkins, A. and Burgoon, J. K. and Nunamaker, J. F., Jr (2014). A rigidity detection system for automated credibility assessment. Journal of Management Information Systems. 31 173201.
Judee K. Burgoon (2014). Deception detection accuracy.. International encyclopedia of interpersonal communication. C. R. Berger, M. E. Roloff. WileyBlackwell. UK.
Judee K. Burgoon (2014). Expectancy violations theory. International Encyclopedia of Interpersonal Communication. Charles R. Berger & Michael E. Roloff. WileyBlackwell. Malden, MA.
Hiran V. Nath, Ifeoma Nwogu, Bulbul Agarwal and Venu Govindaraju (2014). A System Architecture View of Continuous Authentication. IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Conference (SMC 2014). San Diego, CA, USA.
D. Arpit, I. Nwogu, G. Srivastava, V. Govindaraju (2014). An Analysis of Random Projections in Cancelable Biometrics. Security Workshop at International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2014).
Arti Shivram, Chetan Ramaiah and Venu Govindaraju (2014). Data Sufficiency for Online Writer Identification: A Comparative Study of Writer-Style Space vs. Feature Space Models. 22nd International Conference on Pattern recognition. Stockholm, Sweden.
D. Arpit, I. Nwogu,V. Govindaraju (2014). Dimensionality Reduction with Subspace Structure Preservation. Neural Information Processing.
Neeti Pokhriyal, Ifeoma Nwogu and Venu Govindaraju (2014). Language as a Cognitive Biometric Modality. International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB 2014). Clearwater, FL, USA.
Morse, Matthew ; Hartloff, Jesse ; Effland, Thomas ; Schuler, Jim ; Cordaro, Jennifer ; Tulyakov, Sergey ; Rudra, Atri ; Govindaraju (2014). Secure Fingerprint Matching With Generic Local Structure. CVPR IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Biometrics. Columbus, OH, USA.
Tom Effland, Mariel Schneggenburger, Jim Schuler, Bingsheng Zhang, Jesse L. Hartloff, James Dobler, Sergey Tulyakov, Atri Rudra, Venu Govindaraju (2014). Secure fingerprint hashes using subsets of local structures. SPIE DSS Defense and Security. Baltimore, MD, USA.
I. Nwogu and Y. Zhou, “Shared features for multiple face-based biometrics,” 2014 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), San Diego, CA, 2014, pp. 417-422. doi: 10.1109/SMC.2014.697394