CITeR Affiliate Agreement and Bylaws
An organization wishing to join CITeR as a fee-paying affiliate and receive full affiliate privileges and benefits must execute a Center Affiliate Agreement. A link to our template membership agreement is provided for prospective affiliates. This agreement provided by the NSF reflects well-established I/UCRC policy with respect to affiliate rights, terms, and IP that has been at the foundation of the I/UCRC Programs long track record of successful centers providing value to their affiliates. CITeR’s Affiliate Advisory Board Bylaws further expands on some of the operational aspects of affiliate status and the Affiliate Advisory Board. You will find these two forms on the left side of this web page to download.
- Industry Affiliate Agreement options
- Government Affiliate option
- CITeR Affiliate Advisory Board Bylaws
- Non Disclosure Agreement
Annual Affiliation Fee
Base Affiliate Fee: Full voting membership in the Center is open to companies and organizations for a fee of $50,000 per year.
Government organizations can join CITeR by either signing the CITeR Affiliate Agreement for government organization or through an interagency transfer to National Science Foundation (NSF) who then awards it to the university. More details on government membership are provided by NSF here.
Affiliate organizations can choose to exceed the base fee. This is often done by affiliates to both infuse more support into the research portfolio as well as exert more influence in project selection which is done in part with a fee weighted process. Per the Affiliate Agreement, fees can be billed annually, semiannually, or quarterly.
Small Business Opportunity
Through our associate affiliate membership status, your small business can network with industry and government affiliates to cooperatively define CITeR’s academic research portfolio, benefit from early access to research results as they unfold, and realize competitive advantage from early research adoption.
Small Business Associate Affiliate Fee: $25k/year
CITeR also offers an assistant affiliate membership status at $10K/year level for small businesses who would like access to the CITeR community at a lower cost. Rights to intellectual property are not included with this level.
Small Business Assistant Affiliate Fee: $10k/year
Considering Affiliation
If your organization is seriously considering affiliation and would like to see the CITeR affiliates and faculty at work, please contact us and we can discuss attendance at a semiannual meeting as our guest. Prior approval is required and attendance is limited to one meeting and does not include the Affiliate Advisory Board Meeting. Execution of our Non-Disclosure Agreement is required.
For more information, please contact Laura Holsopple, Managing Director.