CITeR’s research portfolio is comprehensive, spanning multiple program areas covering the function, system integration, and societal acceptance issues of biometric system and credibility assessment technology. Outputs of CITeR’s research include datasets, tools, and publications.
The Cooperative Research Portfolio
The Cooperative Research Portfolio is the set of projects undertaken by CITeR faculty which has been cooperatively selected and funded by the CITeR Members from the member fee pool and for which the terms of the member agreement apply. An I/UCRC is unique in the cooperative way in which research activities are defined. As a fee paying CITeR Member, an organization has voting participation in the Center’s Advisory Board which meets twice a year to review the results and direction of current work by the Center and to formulate and recommend topics for new projects. Based on this input, current research activity directions are fine-tuned and new topics are rapidly linked with appropriate center faculty through a consultative and collaborative process facilitated by the Center management.
To best accommodate this model, our Cooperative Portfolio Research Projects are small and exploratory in nature. While a research project thread can span multiple phases over a few years, each phase has a term of typically 12 months. This NSF I/UCRC process for research portfolio evolution guarantees that CITeR research activities will remain dynamic and reflect the best achievable intersection of the needs of the members and the expertise of the Center faculty.
Cooperative Research Project Summaries By Year
Leveraged Research
The excellent alignment achievable between the research capacity and direction of Center Faculty and the affiliates strategic direction and need as a result of the IUCRC Cooperative Research Portfolio represents a tremendous resource. This resource is readily tapped through leveraged research projects in which the results achieved from one or more exploratory portfolio projects are combined to serve as a foundation for new avenues of work. These opportunities are explored by Center faculty groups for targeted funding with individual Center Members or new funding sources potentially in teaming relationships with Center Members. While these leveraged projects are outside the Member agreement terms, they naturally build capacity and feedback into the center portfolio with new ideas and seed project directions.
CITeR strives to maintain a balanced portfolio with integrative leveraged research projects and a strong cooperative pool of activity in order to achieve the desired organic research environment in the Center.
Periodically, CITeR makes available for download specific software developed as a part of its research portfolio which Center Members believe may be of significant value to the biometrics community. Regular CITeR Members have already received executable versions of these software tools and work with CITeR faculty in their use and advancement.
Biometric data is available by request for research purposes. Datasets include multimodal collection of six modalities (face, finger, palm, hand geometry, voice, iris), off-angle irises, synthetic irises, and face/iris videos at a distances. Dataset records are made available to researchers only after the receipt and acceptance of a completed and signed Database Release Agreement. Please submit all requests for the dataset to the contact listed by each dataset.