Multimodal Biometric Dataset Collection, BIOMDATA, Release 1

Data Release Information

Dataset records are made available to researchers only after the receipt and acceptance of a completed and signed Database Release Agreement

Data Release Protocol (broken link)

Please submit requests for the dataset unless otherwise indicated:

First release of the biometric dataset collection contains image and sound files for six biometric modalities:

  • Iris
  • Face
  • Voice
  • Fingerprint
  • Hand Geometry
  • Palm Print

The dataset also includes soft biometrics such as height and weight, for subjects of different age groups, ethnicity and gender with variable number of sessions/subject.

Biometric Modality Device Nr. of subjects Nr. of files
Iris Irispass 231 3043 bmp 3043 log
Fingerprint SecuGen 270 7136 bmp
Palmprint HP ScanJet 263 673 bmp
Hand geometry HandKey II 219 2837 jpg
Voice LogiTech 240 640 wav
Face Sony EVI-D30/31 111 557 bmp
205 1170 bmp

POLICY: Due to privacy issues related to identifying individuals, face data is not made available in combination with other subset of modalities, only as a single subset.

When using biometric collection, please cite: S. Crihalmeanu, A. Ross, S. Schuckers, L. Hornak, A Protocol for Multibiometric Data Acquisition, Storage and Dissemination, Technical Report, WVU, Lane Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, 2007